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Ruth Bader Ginsburg: A true leader's story [on Gender Equality and Women's Rights]

  Ruth Bader Ginsburg: A true leader's story [on Gender Equality and Women's Rights]   By: Joana Capaz Coelho   The documentary series "Live to Lead", available on the streaming platform Netflix, and inspired by Nelsen Mandela's motto: "What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived, but the difference we have made in the lives of others", is composed of 7 interviews with major world leaders. In this post, we will concentrate on the first interview of this documentary series that focuses on the Story of Ruth Bader Ginsburg (henceforth  Ginsburg)  (1993 - 2020) who was an American jurist, lawyer, and judge whose career became known for her constant fight for Gender Equality and Women's Rights. Ginsburg, as portrayed in that interview, at the beginning of her career had to face several challenges in a 1959 America where women had difficulties accessing multiple professions: Advocacy being one of them. In this sense, Ginsbur